Friday, March 4, 2011

Two [More] Videos From The 20th Century

A Strange Encounter from Will Maierica on Vimeo.

A Strange Encounter
On Vimeo - On Youtube

My sister asked me to upload this one, featuring her and her friend Alice out in front of our parents house about 11 years ago. It was the 3rd of January of the year 2000, I think. She does a voice that's a caricature of another classmate.

Mom Tells A Dusk Story from Will Maierica on Vimeo.

My Mother Tells A story About Her Mother As She's Raking Leaves
Vimeo - Youtube

This is from about the same time, may be in fact the same day, as the previous video. My mother tells a story related to the time of day, which was dusk.

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